Legendary game of heroes gear dungeon
Legendary game of heroes gear dungeon

legendary game of heroes gear dungeon legendary game of heroes gear dungeon

Yes, you can get some decent amounts in the abyss but it's nowhere near final dungeon amounts, and the enemies are probably less problematic too.ģ. Quartz farming is best done in the final dungeon too. In the final dungeon you will level faster, and you will be able to reach level 142 easily.Ģ. Just take 1 powerful character and carry the others in The Abyss. I never used some characters and it took me like 5-10 minutes tops per party to bring them from like.105 to 130. This shouldn't require grinding to be honest. However, do get at least 130~level on every character. Level - You don't need to level your characters too much before going there, because like others have mentioned - you can train them in the last dungeon relatively fast, on monsters that are higher level than anywhere else in the game (which equals faster training). My experience comes from normal, consider this a disclaimer.ġ. She'll be getting like 9999 experience for a while so it won't take too much time. But yeah, if you've never used Josette, maybe give her a few battles in the last dungeon you did and give her a few levels. You shouldn't have to do too much grinding if you want to make people endgame ready. You can get top quartz for the people it matters most for (spell bonuses for spell users, attack bonuses for attackers) but if someone can get away with using Quartz 3-4 instead of Quartz 5 then go for it - that will take a lot of pressure off of your available sepith supply and unless you need sepith values for certain arts it's not likely to make much of a difference. Again prioritize with what's available to you. You can create quartz in the final dungeon but unless you're willing to do some major grinding you're unlikely to be able to get top quartz for everyone. Shoes not so much, but spend 'em if you got 'em. Best available armor or the 2nd best is a decent priority for most everyone. So try to prioritize what you have enough money for/are willing to sell sepith for. You will get enough top gear for some people in the last dungeon but not enough for everyone.

Legendary game of heroes gear dungeon